Yasaka Pagoda,Ca. 1890 – 1900s.
Whirl Pool in Naruto,1891
Tree trunk with reed and a white rabbit, mount Fuji in the background
Three Crows,Ca. 1890-1900S.
Twelve Zodiac Signs – Horse,1910
Ruhiger Frühlingstag in Jiangnan
Pink Fuji
Plum and Charcoal,Ca. 1890 – 1900s.
Pines on the Rock,1980S
Mt. Fuji on Ogi Fan,Early 20th century.
Mt. Fuji and Tea House ,Early 20th century.
Mt. Fuji and Half Moon
Landscape,Early 20th century.
Landscape with Pagoda
Landscape with Pagoda,1938-40
Ink Painting, Landscape
Frosty Autumn by Takeuchi Seiho ,
Eggplants on Fan,ca.1900S
Drying Fish Net – Twelve Views of Mt.Fuji,Early 20th century.
Evening at Kiyamachi during the Daimonji Festival,1924
Chicken on a Stroll,ca,1935
Bamboo on Fan
Autumn Colors,ca1930s
Bird and Wave (Muller Collection),1938-40
Bulbs and Foliage
Dancing Monkey,ca.1920S
After the Rain,
Festival Float
Fish, Early 20th century
Fish,Early 20th century.
Fox and Hat,Early 20th century.
Galloping Horse,
Grape,Published in 1891.
Grazing Cow (Muller Collection),1938-40
Matsu jo tsuru [Cranes perched on a pine tree]
Iris,Not dated (1930’s)
Mica Ground Bijin Bust,1922
Monkey,Ca. 1900-1910.
Mouse and Kite Spindle,1900
Ocean Fish (tilefish)
Pair of DARUMA dolls,Not dated (1930’s)
Oxen in a Field,ca1890-1900
Pine on Fan,ca,1910S
Pears and Verse,1938-40
Puppy and Favorite Toy,Early 20th century.
Rabbit,Ca. 1890 – 1900s.
Rice Planting – Seiho Twelve Fuji,Early 20th century.
Riding Fox,Ca. 1900-1910s.
Rooster and Hen,ca,1900-1910
Rooster and Hen,Ca. 1890 – 1900s.
Sea Birds over Rocky Shore – Twelve Mt. Fuji,ca,1892-93
SHISHI dance on New Year’s Day
Snake,Early 20th century.
SOGA GORO and horse
Sparrow and Leek,1980-1900S
Sparrow in bucket
Tiger Lily,ca.1900S
Twelve Zodiac Signs – Tiger,ca,1910-20S
Two Baby Ducks,Early 20th century.
Two Boats,1938-40
White Daffodil,1938-40
Wild Boar,ca.1938
The Twelve Months,ca1900-1910S
Self Portrait,ca.1930-40S
竹内栖凤 (Takeuchi Seiho 1864-1942)是近代日本画先驱、也是第二次世界大战前京都画坛代表人物。原名恒吉。竹内栖凤以传统的圆山四条派风格为基础,采用狩野派、大和绘、汉画的古典手法,加入写生,格调清新。并且还研究西方油画、水彩和摄影技术,把西方绘画光、空气的表现手法融入到绘画中,画风精妙洗练。是现今岒南画派的宗师。