前川强(Tsuyoshi Maekawa)1936年出生于日本大阪。当日本战后进入重建时期,其艺术发展上也打开了封闭已久的大门。克利、毕卡索和米罗等人在抽象表现主义上的成就,对前川强的艺术创作有着决定性的影响。
Born in 1936 in Japan. When Japan entered the post-war period of reconstruction, its artistic development also opened the door for a long time closed. The achievements of Klee, Picasso and Miro in abstract expressionism have a decisive influence on Tsuyoshi Maekawa’s artistic creation.
1958 当代艺术协会展/日本
1970 具体美术万国博览70展/大阪
1981 第三届EMBA奖展/芦屋;第十五回现代日本美术展
1995 近代印刷:白发一雄、元永定正、前川强/西宫
2017 Beyond Matter展/旧金山;物质的力-前川强个展/台北
1958 Contemporary Art Association Exhibition / Japan
1970 specific art exhibition 70 / Osaka
1981 3rd EMBA award exhibition / Luwu; 15th modern Japanese Art Exhibition
1995 modern printing: white hair Yixiong, yuanyongdingzheng, qianchuanqiang / Xigong
2017 beyond matter exhibition / San Francisco; material force – QianChuan strong solo exhibition / Taipei
《作品》work | 1958
麻布油画 | 38×45.5cm
《无题》Untitled | 1960
麻布油画 | 116.6×91.3cm
Tsuyoshi Maekawa has a keen interest in painting materials, focusing especially on the performance of the material itself, rather than on the performance or spatiality of the painting. His works are often composed of rich texture, such as re-casting burlap, cutting, shaping and stitching and then thick coating of paint, etc. This creates a relief like concave and convex structure of the work, and then with splashing, splashing, staining and other painting techniques to show the seemingly accidental creation of improvisation. Therefore, each of his works runs through the process of material creation, and further explores the original beauty of the material.
《A17》A17 | 1963
麻布油画 | 130×162.5cm
《黑色A10之间》work black in betweenA10 | 1963
麻布油画 | 227.8×181.5cm
《无题》Untitled | 1963
麻布油画 | 65×53cm
《作品131018》work131018 | 1963
麻布油画 | 37.5×45.4cm
《无题》Untitled | 1963
麻布油画 | 60.5×72.5cm
Tsuyoshi Maekawa’s works are not completely abstract. In fact, his creation is between plane and three-dimensional space, or between traditional painting and three-dimensional relief. At the same time, each of his works is a specific combination of these two different art forms, showing different levels of form. Among them, the symbols, symbols and images in the works are obvious, their proportion is not fixed, perhaps accounting for the majority, or perhaps extremely small, which is also the great achievement and charm of Tsuyoshi Maekawa’s artistic creation.
《作品》work | 1963
麻布油画 | 162×131cm
《曼纳卡塔特蓝》Mannake Take no Blue | 1964
麻布油画 | 162.5×130.5cm
《作品》work | 1999
麻布油画 | 20×20cm
《A56》A56 | 2002
麻布油画 | 259.5 × 183.3cm
His works contain cultural symbols, creative inspiration from a variety of cultures, so there are endless possibilities. His burlap was inspired by ancient pottery patterns found in Uenohara, Japan. If you look at these works from a overlooking perspective, these burlap cloths are expressed in the form of a protuberance. It reproduces the rhythm of the natural world and the structure of the earth’s surface—lines of terrain, various fields, low walls, or fingerprints. With those dark colors, seems to be more mysterious, which not only has the metaphysical beauty, but also stimulate the possibility of art.
《作品》work | 2003
麻布油画 | 32×41cm
《作品131013》work131013 | 2003
麻布油画 | 32×41cm
《017》017 | 2013
麻布、综合媒介 | 115×90cm
His works move between beauty and ugliness, as well as between sensibility and reason. We can regard his works as emotional or intellectual experiments. It is through a very unique, personal, covering the Japanese culture and tradition, fearless across those artistic ideas and sports theory, to further expand the boundaries of art. So it’s interesting to watch Tsuyoshi Maekawa’s work, because each piece is the result of a thorough experiment with visual impressions.
《作品140620》work140620 | 2014
麻布油画 | 100×80cm
麻布油画 | 162×130.5cm
In Tsuyoshi Maekawa’s works, pigment and color invade the burlap and the protruding structure fight against each other and suppress each other. He continues to carry out a revolutionary experiment of total detachment, and unremittingly seeks to break through to overturn his own artistic inertia. In the end, he returns to the basic artistic elements and pushes them to the limit.