Avigdor Arikha 阿维格多·阿利卡1929年4月28日——2010年4月29日以色列最重要的当代艺术家之一。初期抽象,后转向写实。以肖像画著称。20世纪观念艺术在世界上占到了主流,但传统架上绘画的画家依然活跃,不乏弗洛伊德、大卫·霍克尼、莫兰迪、怀斯等这些早已为我们所熟知的绘画大师,而以色列画家阿利卡也是其中的一员。阿利卡的肖像、裸体人像、风景和静物画特别出名。在阿利卡看来,艺术的实质在于观察。他描绘的题材大多取自周围的日常生活,室内窗外的所见之物以及一些为人所不注意的细小的角落,他坚信微小的事物同样可以具有大意义。阿利卡的画面总是透露出一种纯真自然的效果。阿维格多.阿利卡少年时代参观了中国、日本、法国、德国的艺术展览。20岁时,到达向往已久的巴黎,阿利卡在卢浮宫看卡拉瓦乔画展时,一种深刻的危机感油然而生,他意识到“我所做的一切都是从绘画到绘画,没有将绘画行为与观看事实联系起来。既然所画的一切都可以读解成某物,回溯到现实的世界,为何不直接去画现实事物呢?于是阿利卡迅速从抽象画转向了写实艺术。他的作品内容全部来自日常生活,他相信任何一件微小的事情都可能具有意义。他认为开始作画就要直接进入状态,就像“听到电话铃,要立即作出反应”,别无选择地服从这种冲动,还要运用正在尝试的新语言和新形式。一幅画必须一次完成,绝不允许拖到第二天,太长的时间会使手和眼的母题丧失殆尽。由于他有过抽象绘画创作的经历,他的具象绘画便不再像古典绘画那样再现客观世界,而是按照自己的感受方式来表达。阿利卡作画时似乎没有一个构思的过程,他的感觉总是从一个特定的点开始向外扩散,从一只眼睛、或者一个鼻孔,然后像波浪一样,从这个点漫向四周的海滩。阿利卡的画面很薄,逸笔草草透露出一种纯真自然的效果。色彩运用上他坚持严格的固有色,他的画室安排也是白色光线,以避免光源色对物体的影响。他的色彩选择也非常简单,调色板上通常只有四种颜色。这使得他的绘画具有某种程度上的永恒感,而这一点正是他改为从事写实绘画追求的目的,这也确立了他在西方当代艺术史上的不可替代的地位。NO.1 自画像Self-Portrait in Raincoat Peering70.5 x 55.5 cmpastel on emery paperGilbert de Botton, Saint/ Moritz1988self-portraitOil on canvasself-portraitOil on canvasself-portraitOil on canvasself-portraitOil on canvasself-portrait, Nude TorsoPastel on grey coated paper33.5 x 25 cmPhilip Huber, Washington, DC I985self-portrait with Hand UpPastel on tinted wove paper33 x 50.8cmThe artist collection1988self-portraitOil on canvasNude self-portrait from BackOil on canvas65 x 45.5 cmPrivate collection1986Glass Door with Self-portrait65 × 81 cmOil on canvas1987self-portrait with Hand on HeadPastel on velvet paper 22.8 x 33.7 cmPrivate collection1986Nude Self-PortraitPastel on wove paper51 x 31.5 cmDoron Sebbag, Tel Aviv1990IpsiusOil on canvas55 x 46 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1993Pause at the EaselTemple of Zeus at Oil on canvas 81 x 65 cmJoseph D Hackmey, Tel Aviv1990Painting on a Hot DayOil on canvas73 x 60 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1991Self Portrait in studioOil on canvas2001NO.2 静物、风景画Sams SpoonOil on canvas38 x 46 cmDoron Sebbag, Tel Aviv1990Two pearsPrint on paper
Two BaguettesPastel on Whatman paper25 x 73 cmTel Aviv Museum of Art 1990Vine PeachesPastel on velvet paper25 x 32.4 cmPrivate collection I984
Two apples and three pears on a Covered Sideboard73 x 60 cmOil on canvas1973PearsOil on canvas38 x 46 cmPrivate collection, New York1974CornPastel on emery paper22.7 x 51cmPrivate collection1988PotatoesOil on canvas46 X 38 cmThe Duke of Beaufort. London1989Leeks in Green WrappingsOil on canvas38 x 46 cmDoron Sebbag, Tel Aviv1991PeoniesOil on canvas73 × 60 cmPrivate collection1991RosesPastel on wove paper42.7 x 47.5 cmCrosby Kemper, Kansas City, Mo1990Left handWatercolour on wove paper23.5 × 24.5 cmPrivate collection1975Still Lffe with Blue Napkin 65 x 45.5 cmOil on canvasPrivate collection1953Tangerines with Blue NapkinPastel on coated Arches paper16 × 50 cmPrivate collection1986White shirtOil on canvas65 × 46 cmMichael Gleeson.White, Sydney1985Three ShirtsOil on canvas46 x 65 cmBud Garfield, Malibu, CA1986Four Hats81 x 65 cmOil on canvasprivate collection1988Towels and SheetsOil on canvas100 x 65 cmPrivate collection1990Etching ToolsOil on canvas46 x 33 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1992Red and BlueOil on canvas45.7 x 30.5 cmJoseph Goldyne, San Francisco, CA 1984Tea TimeOil on canvas38 × 46 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1992
Bag and UmbrellaOil on canvas73 x 60 cmJoseph D Hackmey, Tel Aviv1991Parka and UmbrellaOil on canvas81 x 100 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1993MorningOil on canvas46 x 38 cmPrivate collection1989The TypewriterOil on canvas81 x 65 cmPrivate collection I986Memento S. BPastel on grey board55 x 50.2 cmPrivate collection1991Hanging Broom116 × 89 cmoil on canvas1974
Stool and ShoesOil on canvas73 × 60 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1993Thonet Chair and CarpetOil on canvas100 x 81 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1991Green SneakersOil on canvas81 x 65 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1990Tubes of paint in their drawerPastel on velvet paper49.9 x 32.9 cmpresented by the Friends of the Tate Gallery1985Palettes, Can and BottlePastel on velvet paper40.8 x 32.7 cmPrivate collectionI984Near the WindowOil on canvas 130 x 97 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1992Canvas and ToolOil on canvas61 × 50 cmCourtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1986Corner of my StudoOil on canvas65 × 50 cmPrivate collectionI986Studio WindowOil on canvas 162 X 130 cmPrivate collection1991Cracks in the wallOil on canvas81 x 65 cmPrivate collection, Great Britain1989VanitasOil on canvas146 X 114 cmRonald and Vicky Simms, Beverly Hills. CAI987Mirror in the Studio162 x 130 cm Oil on canvasMusee Cantini, MarseilleI987Up to the LoggiaPastel on heavy grey wove board65 x 50 cmHerbert Mines, Hamaroneck, NY1987Alba in the StudioPastel on grey card 65 x 50. 2 cm私人收藏Courtesy Marlborough Fine Art, London1988View with Refection 146 x 114 cmOil on canvasPrivate collection1987Glass Door and PressPastel on hand made paper50 x 65.7 cmPrivate collectionThe Square in JuneOil on linen195 x 130 cmHirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden 1983Nine Books37 x 50 cmPastel on velvet paperPrivate collectionI986Pile of BooksPastel on velvet paper50 x 65 cmPrivate collection1987The library34 x 28 cmWatercolour on wove paper1975Summer Day, IndoorsOil on canvas146 x 65 cmAnne and Martin Peretz, Cambridge, MA1991The Librar114.2 x I46 cmOil on canvasPrivate collectionI982View of Tel Aviv21.2 x 29.2 cmBrush and sumi ink on paper1970View of Central Park SouthBrush and suml Ink on Dutch heavy wovepaper71.1 × 62.9 cmHenry Welt, New YorkI979SOHO in Winter48.5 x 33.5 cmSoft graphite on grey laid paperPrivate collectionI984Mount Zion at Dusk25.4 x 35.5 cmWaatercolour on Fabriano wove papetPrivate collection1987CypressesWatercolour on heavy wove paper25.4 x 17.7 cmPrivate collection1990View of the aueustines’gardenPastel on Whatman paper51 x 33 cmMr and Mrs Eugene Istomin, Washington, DC1990NO.3 人像、人体画NO.4 画稿Au loin un oiseau27 x 24 cmplates printed on paper1973Self-Portrait with Open MouthSugar-lift aquatint 44.5 x 33.3 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art1973Mirror with Self-Portrait and Press 42.5 x 28.9 cmThe Metropolitan Museum of Art1971Samuel Beckett in profile23.6 x 17.5 cm on Richard de Bas wove paper1970R.B. Kitaj Colored soft-ground etching38.1 x 45.1 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1983Baby CryingBrush and sumi ink on coated canvas/ paper240 × 295 cmPrivate collection1969Samuel Beckett leaningBrush and india ink on paper27.8 × 20.7 cmPrivate collection1967Before the BathBrush and sumi ink on Japan hand made paper99.5 x 62 cmThe artist collection1988H M Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother30.5 x 22 cmHard graphite on Whatman paper1983View of Central Park South71.1 × 62.9 cmBrush and sumi ink on Dutch heavy wovepaperHenry Welt, New YorkI979Anne in a Ruffled BlouseBrush and sumi ink on paper32.4 × 24.9 cm私人收藏1969David Sylvester Seated Sugar-lift aquatint 39.3 x 30 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art1973Anne from BackBrush and sumi ink on Bristol paper39.7 × 30 cmPrivate collection1972Samuel Beckett with CigarBrush and sumi ink on coated canvas/ paper35.1 × 27 cmMNAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris 1970Anne sitting on a Winter NightBrush and sumi ink on coated canvas/ paper35.1 × 27 cmPrivate collection1970Self-portrait in two MirrorsBrush and sumi ink on coated canvas/ paper24.1 × 33.1 cmMr and Mrs Eugene Istomin, Washington, DC1969Alba and Nogagraphite on Japan laid paper62 X 99 cmPrivate collection1989Shoko and Shiji TakashinaCharcoal on tinted wove paper44.5 × 65.3 cmPrivate collection1988