意大利, (1503-1572)
—— by ArtYouhua
布伦奇洛生于佛罗伦萨,父亲是位屠夫。按照与他同一时期艺术家瓦萨里的说法,布伦奇洛先是师从拉法埃里诺·德尔·嘉波(Raffaellino del Garbo),之后在14岁的时候成为了蓬托尔莫(Pontormo)的学徒。
Portrait of Lorenzo Lenzi,1528
Allegorical Portrait of Dante,1530
The Dead Christ with the Virgin and St. Mary Magdalene,1530
Portrait of Guidubaldo della Rovere,1532
Portrait of a lady in green,1528-1532
Portrait of a Lady with a Puppy,1534
Portrait of a young man with book,1538
Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici as Orpheus,1538
Adoration of the Shepherds,1540
Portrait of Signor Panciatichi Bartolomeo,1540
The Panciatichi Holy Family,1540
An Allegory with Venus and Cupid,1542
Portrait of Bia de’ Medici,1542
The Israelites crossing the Red Sea,1542
Adoration of the Cross with the Brazen Serpent,1544
Moses strikes water from the wall rocks,1544
Scenes of allegories of the cardinal virtues,1544
Scenes of allegories of the cardinal virtues,1544
Stigmatization of St. Francis,1544
Bronzino – Eleonora di Toledo col figlio Giovanni,1544-1545
Deposition from the Cross,1545
Portrait of a girl with book,1545
Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici,1545
Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici,1545
Portrait of Giovanni de’ Medici,1545
Portrait of young woman with her son,1545
Portrait of Stefano IV Colonna,1546
Holy Family with St. Anne and the infant St. John the Baptist,1550
Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici,1550
Portrait of Francesco I de’ Medici,1551
Portrait of Francesco I de’ Medici,1551
Portrait of Andrea Doria as Neptune,1552
Portrait of Laura Battiferri,1552
Portrait of Nano Morgante,1552
Portrait of Nano Morgante,1552
Study for a “Resurrection”,1552
Portrait of Maria de’ Medici,1553
Venus, Cupido and Satyr,1553-1554
Portrait of Eleonora da Toledo,1555
The Crossing of the Red Sea,1555
Portrait of Laudomia de’ Medici,1555
The Ailing Eleonora da Toledo,1556
Piero de Medici il Gottoso,1560
Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent,1560
Portrait of Ferdinando de’ Medici,1560
Portrait of Lucrezia de’ Medici,1560
Deposition from the Cross,1565
Portrait of Pope Clement VII,1566
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence,1569
A portrait of Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici
Francesco I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici
Portrait of Piero di Lorenzo de Medici
Portrait of the Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici
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