Sandro Botticelli
意大利画家, (1445—1510)
桑德罗·波提切利(Sandro Botticelli,1445—1510)是15世纪末佛罗伦萨的著名画家,原名亚里山德罗·菲力佩皮.” 桑德罗·波提切利”是他的绰号、艺名,意为“小桶”。 他是15世纪末佛罗伦萨的著名画家,意大利肖像画的先驱者,波提切利作品突破了精准的自然比例,却获得了一个无限娇柔、优美和谐的完美化身。
—— by ArtYouhua
The Adoration of the Magi,1475-1476
在美第奇家族掌权期间,波提切利为他们做了多幅名画,声名大噪。1477年他以诗人波利蒂安歌颂爱神维纳斯的长诗为主题,为罗伦佐·美第奇新购置的别墅绘制了著名的《春》。这幅画已经和《维纳斯的诞生》一起,成为波提切利一生中最著名的两幅画作。《三博士来朝》另一幅为世人所熟知的画作是他的《三王来朝》。 这幅画为他在整个欧洲赢得了声誉,并也因此于1481年7月被教皇召唤到罗马,为西斯廷礼拜堂作壁画。
维纳斯的诞生 The Birth of Venus,1485
Madonna and Child with Six Saints,1470
Adoration of the Magi,1465-1467
著名作品:《贤士来朝》、《春》、《圣母颂》、《维纳斯与战神》、《维纳斯的诞生》、《圣母领报》、 《诽谤》、 《神秘的基督降生图》、《帕拉斯和肯陶洛斯》。
The Mystical Nativity,1500
Madonna and Child,1467
Madonna with two angels,1468
Portrait of a Young Man,1469
Virgin and child with two angels,1468-1469
Madonna in Glory with Seraphim,1470
Madonna of the Rosegarden,1469-1470
The Virgin and Child surrounded by Five Angels,1470
The Virgin and Child with Two Angels and St. John the Baptist,1470
Madonna and Child with an Angel,1470
The Discovery of the Body of Holofernes,1470
The return of Judith to Bethulia,1472-1473
Portrait of a Man with the Medal of Cosimo,1474
Portrait of a young man with red cap,1474
Portrait of a young woman,1475
Study of two standing figures,1475
Three Scenes from the Story of Esther,1470-1475
Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci,1476
Madonna of the Sea,1477
Portrait of a young man with red cap,1477
Madonna with Child and Singing Angels,1477
Giuliano de Medici,1478
Santa Maria Novella,1476-1478
Madonna of the Book,1479
Illustration to the Divine Comedy (Inferno),1480
Inferno, Canto XVIII,1480
Inferno, Canto XXXI,1480
Portrait of a Young Woman,1480
St Augustine,1480
The Abyss of Hell,1480
The Coronation of the Virgin (Altarpiece of St. Mark),1480
The Triumph of Mordecai, from The Story of Esther,1475-1480
Three Angels,1475-1480
Workshop of Esther at the Palace Gate,1475-1480
Madonna of the Magnificat,1480-1481
Sixtus II,1481
The Punishment of Korah, Dathan and Abiram,1481
Pallas and Centaur,1482
Adoration of the Magi,1482
The Story of Nastagio,1483
The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti (I), from The Decameron, by Boccaccio,1483
The Story of Nastagio Degli Onesti – The Banquet in the Pine Forest,1483
Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist,1488
The Extraction of the Heart of St. Ignatius from the Altarpiece of St. Barnabas,1488
Virgin and Child with Saints from the Altarpiece of San Barnabas,1488
The Vision of St. Augustine from the Altarpiece of St. Barnabas,1488
Christ Carrying the Cross,1490
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